Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Indie Life and Perseverance in 2014.

Indie Life has been a wonderful chance for indie authors to post about indie life, find each other, offer support, encouragement, news, helpful hints, and anything else that makes life as an indie author a little easier.

2014 has definitely brought changes to the Indie/self publishing scene. What worked in 2012 does not work in 2014. The impression I’ve gotten from authors and professionals is that this is the year of testing, and it’s all about perseverance.

Do you agree? Disagree?

That being said, the Indelibles are streamlining their efforts in social media as we are all busy writing and publishing. We will be blogging less. And, unfortunately, this will be the last Indie Life post.

As many of you already do, we suggest signing up for Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writers Support Group. You can sign up here. And like the Facebook community too.

As a farewell, I’ll add one more thing to encourage you all. If I’ve observed one thing it's don’t compare yourself to other authors because there are always authors selling better and then there are authors who would kill for your level of sales. And I would venture to say that this goes for all publishing, regardless of whether you self publish or go traditional.

Best of luck, Indie Lifers!