Tuesday, July 2, 2013

INDIEpendence Day 2013!

Back for its second year, the INDIEpendence Day bloghop will return this summer, July 2nd through the 5th! We had such a great time last year, discovering new indie authors and making new friends, that we couldn't wait to do it again.

This INDIEpendence day, the Indelibles would like to celebrate indie authors (self-published and small-press) by holding up examples of outstanding indie works. We believe that amazing works of fiction can be found in indie novels. By highlighting and bringing greater awareness to quality indie books, people will find great books to read, indie authors get support, and we continue to change hearts and minds about the gems that can be found among self-published and small-press novels.

WIN all around!

Will you join us?

Here's how it works:

  1. PICK A BOOK: Pick an indie (self-published or small press) book that you either HAVE READ AND LOVED or WANT TO READ. 
  2. WRITE A POST: On INDIEpendence day (July 2nd), write a post about that book. It can be a review, an interview with the author, or simply a post highlighting the book. In your post, be sure to include: 1) HOW you found out about the book and 2) WHY you liked it (or WHY you want to read it). Make it easy for people to sample your indie author by providing buy links as well.
  3. DO A GIVEAWAY (optional): You can give away swag, or a copy of the indie book you're highlighting, or don't do a giveaway at all - it's up to you! 
  4. IMPORTANT: you may NOT highlight your own novel or one of the Indelible's novels (this is a Pay It Forward event!) 
  5. GO TO GOODREADS (optional): Add the Indie book or books you're featuring to our ever-growing INDIEpendence Day List.
Easy peasy.

For extra incentive, the Indelibles will be giving away a $10 Kindle gift card (to be used on Indie books!) to a random host from the participating blogs! But the real win is a chance to pay forward your love of an indie author's work while helping your friends find a great summer read.

Sign up on the linky below!

p.s. Please spread the word to your fellow author and book blogger friends so we can get as many participants as possible.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for alerting me to this Elle. Saw it posted on your Circles page.

  2. This sounds like a great way to promote indie writers.

  3. Would you guys be interested in doing a Twitter chat to celebrate?...

  4. This is a great chance for some "cross pollination" of our work!

  5. This sounds awesome! Going to sign up right now. Thanks for the opportunity!

  6. Mine is up late, but it's finally there! http://www.kellyoram.com/2013/07/happy-indiependence-day.html
