Hi Everyone!
I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!
It gets all kinds of crazy, I know, but it's been a while, so I wanted to pop in and say hello. I actually go into more detail about where I disappeared to in my post On Writer's Block.
Basically, the majority of 2013, for me, was about getting a baby here instead of writing and book promoting. I had a super productive summer 2014, though, so I'm really excited about future projects.
It took a while to get back into a routine after the baby, but here are Four Things That Changed My Writing World in 2014. I followed this up with Five Ways to Turn "One Day" into "Today." If you're an aspiring writer (or aspiring anything), I hope this gets you thinking about your goals for 2015 and what you'd like to accomplish.
In conjunction with those "Four Things," fellow indelible Susan Kaye Quinn posted an awesome blog about how to use Scrivener to organize your research and marketing. If you're a writer, you *must* read. I also still refer to her brainstorming post all the time.
The Indelibles still have TONS of free books available, and Lee Strauss and I just released our holiday novellas. If you're in the mood for something seasonal, check out Peace and Goodwill and Once Upon a Christmas Eve.
Otherwise, I'm working on getting into the holiday spirit and "keeping it real." I'm really enjoying the posts over at Becoming Minimalist these last few weeks--especially the ones on clutter and not "overdoing" Christmas, and Nine Things That Shopping Can Never Deliver. It's so easy to get caught up in the rush this time of year.
So . . . I hope you'll take some time for YOU over the course of the next few weeks. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee (or hot chocolate!) and a good book.
You deserve it! :D
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