Monday, December 31, 2012

Indie Writer Resolutions for 2013

Happy New Year everyone. Here's wishing you the best in 2013!  

As 2012 comes to an end, I find myself thinking about the coming year. I don't know about you, but I expect great things from myself and my characters in 2013. To reach my personal goals, I've developed these top ten writing-life resolutions. 

10. I will write every day. (And editing does NOT count as writing)

9. I will not obsess over shiny new ideas before completing tried and true, almost finished novels.

8. I will not check sales figures more than once a day for any reason.

7. I will believe in myself and my writing.

6. I will allow myself time to read for pleasure.

5. I will give myself permission to write a crappy first draft and then further permission to rewrite that story as many times as needed. 

4. I will not be pressured to release a book before I believe it to be perfect and worthy of my fans.

3. I will continue to be thankful, every day, for every fan.

2. I will back up every version of my documents early and often in an organized way that makes them easy to recover.

1. I will try something new and stretch out of my comfort zone.

How will you turbo charge your Indie writing life in the new year? What are your resolutions?  

G.P. Ching is the author of The Soulkeepers Series, The Grounded Trilogy, and a variety of short fiction. She specializes in cross-genre paranormal stories, loves old cemeteries, and enjoys a good ghost tour. She lives in central Illinois with her husband, two children, a brittany spaniel named Riptide Jack and a very demanding guinea pig. 


  1. these are great resolutions. I really need to grab onto #8. Well, all of them, but #8 is the monster in the crowd.

    Wishing you the best year, G.P.!

  2. I love these! I want to adopt every one. :)

  3. An honorable list. Here's to a funtastic 2013!

  4. This is a great list. I think I'm going to steal some for myself. :-)

  5. I'm stealing all of yours! Awesome list. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New Year and all the inspiration you'll need. We count on you, Indie Writers!

  7. These are great resolutions, and pretty much exactly what I have planned for myself as well. Good luck with your 2013 goals!
