Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Indie Life

Hi all! Addison Moore here today with an Indie Life post. What exactly is an Indie Life post? Indie Life posts are meant to share personal experiences, to encourage, to inspire. I hope I can offer you a little of that today.
A couple of years ago, a month after acquiring my dream agent to be exact, I made the decision to go Indie. At the time it seemed an odd decision. I had tried for years to get an agent. Over a decade ago I had a another literary agent who was too busy being sued by her other clients for nonpayment so I bowed out of that contract. Fast forward seven years, and much toil and sweat later, I finally landed another agent, my dream agent. After having a frank discussion with her regarding the slow state of publishing I was discouraged and decided to go a few books on my own. I wanted to put out a plethora of novels, but in the traditional world I was ten years into my career with the books I had already written and each of those would take years to filter out to the public.
I put out my first self-published book in March of 2011. It was a young adult series I had dreamed of for years and was told it would never work, that young adult probably wouldn’t work for me. (Which I found ironic since I’m emotionally stunted at seventeen.) In July of 2011, after having two books out in the Celestra series, the books were optioned for film by 20th Century Fox. The deal was announced in January of 2012.
In December of 2012 I put out my first New Adult book, SOMEONE TO LOVE. New Adult is a genre long frowned upon by the publishing industry and thanks to a group of pioneering Indies is now an official genre and rightly so. What’s more exciting than the college years? The movie industry has been making films about that era in a person’s life for years and only now are an entire slew of books being written on the subject. It’s very exciting to be a part of this amazing genre.
In January of 2013 SOMEONE TO LOVE hit the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller lists. I was severely humbled, completely overjoyed, and extremely happy to be an Indie.
I still have my literary agent. I still believe both Indie and traditional routes are great roads to travel, and although one road my not be right for everyone I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a foot in both pools. Being an Indie has opened a lot of doors for me. I know that if I could do it, so can you. I’m not special, or the greatest writer, or even a rebel, I’m simply a person who tried to find an alternative method to get my books out there and met a lot of nice people along the way.
The bottom line is I love to write. My mantra each day is; Twenty-six letters, ready, set, go. 
I’m glad I get to write at the pace which suites me best, and self-publishing has allowed me to do that.  
I hope you found something from my personal experience that encouraged or inspired you.
Here are a few parting words I would love to share; Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever let a rejection stand in your way. Don’t ever stop trying. If all else fails, write another book. Write for your life. You deserve a great one.

Addison Moore is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading. Addison’s Celestra Series has been optioned for film by 20th Century Fox.

Feel free to visit her blog at: addisonmoorewrites.blogspot.com



  1. Very inspiring post. I'm an avid reader who enjoys hearing down to earth, motivating words of encouragement from authors and others alike who have found some level of happiness and success in doing what they love to do.

    1. Hi Michelle! I'm so glad you found the post motivating. And, I'm so appreciative to be able to live out my dream every day when I sit down to write. It really is a dream come true.

  2. Loved this post Addison. I think your attitude is one every author should emulate: What's right for you and your work is what you need to be doing. It doesn't have to be 'Indie Vs Traditional'. Make the industry work for you, not the other way around.

    "New Adult is a genre long frowned upon by the publishing industry and thanks to a group of pioneering Indies is now an official genre and rightly so.."

    Hey, I'm one of those pioneering NA Indies! :-) If there are other New Adult fans who read this, I'd like to welcome you to join our New Adult Twitter chat, every Thursday night @ 9 PM EST. Here's a link to the chat blog where you can check out our upcoming chat schedule and find other NA resources: http://nalitchat.blogspot.com

    1. Hi E.J.! Oh I want to be there! I'll look for the New Adult chat on Thursday night. That sounds like a lot of fun! And thank you for paving the way for authors like me who enjoy the next phase in life after young adult. It's really a liberating genre to write in. :)

  3. It is ironic about the timing! But just think if you had gone traditional. You'd still be waiting for the first book to come out! :)

    1. This is so true! And that would be if I were lucky enough to have sold one.

  4. I find this post inspiring. You really have to have confidence in yourself before you have anything else. Believe in yourself and listen to your inner voice is what comes out strongly.


    1. Yes! I agree. Have confidence in yourself above all else. Well said!

  5. You certainly have a lot of books out there! Glad to hear that going this route has worked out so well for you.

    1. lol! Yes, the books seem to multiply behind my back. But it has worked out well. Thank you!

  6. Hi, Addison,
    It's so important to believe in yourself. If you hadn't you wouldn't be in the position you are in today. Well done.

  7. Thank you, J.L.! I do hope others find the same strength. It's so important to have faith in what you believe in, i.e. your books.

  8. I'm so glad I found the Indelibles. I'm really looking forward to writing my Indie Life post each month. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

    1. K.A., so glad you found it encouraging! Keep the dream alive!

  9. This is a great Indie Life post, Addison! It's amazing to hear your story and see how successful you've become. Kudos! And I love your mantra~ :D <3
