Monday, April 8, 2013

Coming Up With Writing Ideas

Recently I took a trip with my family to Universal Studios in California. The trip was quick, but a lot of fun.

One problem. I got ZERO sleep. The beds were supposed to be "sleep number." What they actually were? Blow up mattresses that had only half the air in them. Every time my husband moved, I was shot into the air. He felt like he was going to roll off the bed. It wasn't good. The end result left me sleepless.

BUT, one thing that did occur during my lack of sleep? I got a bunch of different writing ideas.

One came while our driver took us from the hotel to the theme park.

Another on the plane back home.

Both ideas are feasible. And I'm very excited about them. It's funny though... how seemingly great book ideas come at the weirdest times.

My Blood and Snow series came from watching a commercial for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." The commercial tooted the movie had been digitally remastered. How exciting.

AND it was. From that commercial came the idea of Snow White becoming a vampire, which equals #awesome.

What about you? Where do your ideas come from?

                                                                                                 *pictures courtesy of google


  1. I was just discussing this with another author friend how the "shiny ideas" can just come from nowhere. I got the idea for The Only Exception after watching an episode of New Girl in which Schmidt pretends to be Mitt Romney's son.

    The lack of sleep does stink, BUT new ideas are always good!

  2. Thanks, Betty. It's cool how ideas can come from literally anywhere. =)

  3. You know, I just never have any idea where or when an idea's going to hit me. Sometimes it's listening to a song or looking at a picture... or like you! Seeing a commercial for something super-familiar and thinking about switching it up.

    Either way, hooray! for shiny new ideas! :o) <3

  4. My ideas tend to come from movies and music, and often while I am playing my guitar. One more reason to play often!

  5. Enjoyed reading your post. It is great when ideas sprung out of now where and so happens that those are the best we can ever imagine...

  6. My ideas come from everywhere, sometimes from movies, music or even random ideas while I'm driving down deserted country roads (those are where I get the best horror ideas).

  7. I sometimes get too many ideas. One of mine last year came from reading a Snapple Fact from a blogger's post.

  8. All over! Everything I see whether it's a color, people and animal watching, news, a tv show or even to commercial, a particular piece of other words living.

  9. They really just spring up. However, I do allow myself to go on a virtual journey for inspiration and spend quite some time on pinterest and searching art sites.
