Friday, August 31, 2012

The Tao of Creativity

As I peruse blogs and read other people’s books, I struggle daily with a list of shoulds. I should strike every “was” and adverb from my prose. I should enter every writing contest I can. I should build a huge web presence. I should come up with some brilliant ploy to drive rush-hour volume traffic to my blog.

Or should I? Let’s face it—my voice wants to come out more conversational than literary. I’m not a contest person; words don’t immediately drip from my fingers. In fact, for me, initial ideas are the hardest part of being creative. I am not a daily blogger. Marketing doesn’t come as naturally to me as breathing, the way it does for Shelli Johannes-Wells, and I haven’t been blindsided by any genius inspirations, like Casey McCormick’s Agent Spotlight.

I don’t think I can change these things. Not easily. And the fact is, I shouldn’t. While the writing process takes dedication and hard work, it should also be organic to who you are. If you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing, the creativity will flow. The work won’t seem like work, because your passion and talent will carry you. All these people who I envy and admire aren’t finding their success because they’re trying to be something they’re not. They’re finding it because they’re following their true nature.

The philosophy of Taoism has a name for this: Wei wu wei, “doing without doing”. If you can’t wrap your mind around that, think of water, which is soft and weak, yet can wear away stone. A second concept goes hand in hand with this: P’u, the Uncarved Block. P’u, is a person’s natural state, their innate self, free of prejudices and misconceptions. The idea is that things are most perfect in this state. When you put these concepts together you come up with the following philosophy: By being true to ourselves, rather than striving to be something we’re not, things will come with less effort, and we will be happier.

A lot of envy and self-doubt comes with writing. Not just for the un-published crowd, but for established, award-winning authors. These feelings are a fallacy. A time sink that robs our creativity and distracts us from our work.  We all have our unique strengths, and that’s how it should be. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted from your path by the glitter of someone else’s gifts. Your own are just as dazzling.

In addition to being a YA author, Lisa is a retired amateur stock car racer, an accomplished cat whisperer, and a professional smartass. She writes coming-of-age books about kids in hard luck situations who learn to appreciate their own value after finding mentors who love them for who they are. You can connect with her though her blog, The Tao or Webfoot, or buy her book, Running Wide Open, (currently FREE) at any major online retailer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tell Me About Heaven: 
A Behind the Scene Look at Don't Fear the Reaper

Tell me about Heaven, Dad
I really want to know,
Because ten long years have passed,
And I miss you so...
~Michelle Muto

The above stanza is from a poem I wrote to my father ten years after his death. I cannot begin to describe what it was like to lose my father, whom I loved more than my very being. All these years later, I'll freely admit it: I'm a Daddy's girl. We're so much alike, he and I.  was robbed of him far too soon by multiple myeloma, a brutal and incurable cancer often contracted by toxins through the skin. He worked his whole life as an airline mechanic for a large airline - a job he loved.

For those who have read Don't Fear the Reaper, it's easy to see the real life example I used. It's easy to spot the grief, the emotion I used for my main character, Keely Morrison.

After all, there's the old writing advice of write what you know, right?

But there's so much more to Don't Fear the Reaper than just that. There's the story of literary agents and why the economy played a part in my decision to go indie.

There are other things, too. Like research. The strangest research I've ever done? Interview a morgue. Yep. I needed to know about the condition a body might be in, tools used in an autopsy, among others.

On a less morbid note, there's a playlist. No book is ever really complete without one, right? So, what did I listen to once the book was in place?

For the movie goers, there's always the question of who'd play Banning (Simon Baker), Keely Morrison (Claire Foy), and Daniel (I still don't have a clue). Ideas anyone? I'd love to hear them.

If you haven't read Don't Fear the Reaper, the first chapter is one my site here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#indiechat 8/28/12 Critique partners and beta readers.

Feel free to leave the title, genre, one/two sentence pitch and your email to find betas!

laurapauling What a great topic! Crit partners and beta readers! #indiechat Hi everyone! -8:59 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon Alright, one minute early, but welcome to #Indiechat We are talking critique partners and beta readers! -9:00 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon I'm hosting tonight, but also watching Face Off, so just watch out for my live tweeting #Indiechat -9:01 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell probably helpful to explain the difference between betas and CPs for the folks who don't know... #indiechat -9:01 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn Awesome topic tonight! "critique partners and beta reader" So, so important for indie authors (really any author). #indiechat -9:01 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri RT @laurapauling: What a great topic! Crit partners and beta readers! #indiechat Hi everyone! -9:02 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon Let's throw it out there. What do YOU all think the differences are between a beta and a critique partner? #Indiechat -9:02 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Any writing advice, the top tip always seems to be find critique partners. #indiechat -9:02 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 Hi Everyone! #indiechat -9:02 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling For me, crit partners are more chapter to chapter or just the opening. Not as much big picture. #indiechat -9:02 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @EArroyo5 a welcome! We are talking crit partners and beta readers! #Indiechat -9:03 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell My CPs are the ones who read with a critical eye & catch everything on the micro and macro level; betas are more macro-only #indiechat -9:03 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri I think of beta readers for getting an overall opinion of the story, not necessarily critique of the actual writing. #indiechat -9:03 PM Aug 28th, 2012

DougSolter Yea! Made it to #indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @MaganVernon Ya know, I don't fuss much re:name. Just "people willing to read my stuff" - but diff people have diff strengths #indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon For me crit partners help with the technical and story changes, I use betas for flow. #Indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell picked up a tip at a conference for using teen betas: B, C, D (bored, confused, don't believe it). easy system for them to use #indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 CP's are more micro and macro. I see them as a marriage. While Betas are more folks you hang out with from time to time. #indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I def. count on betas for big picture, story structure...#indiechat -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather #indiechat So should I get a crit partner for a chapter by chapter thing? -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri How many betas/CPs does one writer need? #indiechat I wrestle with this a little. -9:04 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon How many CPs do you have? Betas? Does it vary on the story? #Indiechat -9:05 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn I did a series on my blog called Critique Wednesdays. Here's one that has tips on critiquing: #indiechat -9:05 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell I have two trusted CPs and I'll take as many beta readers as I can get #indiechat -9:05 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 My betas vary from story to story but CP's are more constant. #indiechat -9:05 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites I have people who read for story others for general errors (consistency) and then editors. About three levels of readers #indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @MaganVernon I try to match the story with beta reader's interests. Sometimes it matches up, but not always. #indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @SPNHeather With my CPs, we swap the hole manuscript and take to it with the track changes in word. #Indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @HeatherSunseri I have a Critquers of Awesome list-I'm always adding. Diff people are avail/helpful for diff books/types of crit #indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @SPNHeather that would probably be helpful. you need someone willing to invest time in your story. #indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I'm always looking for new beta readers so I don't burn out the ones I have. #indiechat -9:06 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn Smart! @laurapauling: Im always looking for new beta readers so I dont burn out the ones I have. #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @LawsonWrites yeah, editors are a whole 'nother level. but I wouldn't pay for editing until I'd already had other CP eyes on it #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @JessieHarrell well junk! LOL can't use hubby then cause he is co-author #indiechat Where do you find them -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I have a three crit partners I met at the nescbwi conf. but we're not always at the same stage of dev. #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri @susankayequinn Great idea, Susan. Thanks. And good point. People aren't always available exactly when you need them. #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Hey guys! I almost decided not to be in #indiechat today, but... -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @SPNHeather I try not to do chap by chap. Maybe several sections or the final copy. Too much input on short parts gets confusing #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I'm still looking for CPs and Betas. #indiechat -9:07 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri RT @laurapauling: I'm always looking for new beta readers so I don't burn out the ones I have. #indiechat //Great idea. -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @laurapauling @susankayequinn I had close to 7 for HTDA and practically all Btas for Mph #Indiechat -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero I recently beta read a published author's work. It was a time-taking yet fun experience. #indiechat -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Chapter to chapter critiques take so long, my crit partners never make it past Act I. #indiechat -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @SPNHeather I found folks on #yalitchat - there's a group there to find others. just make sure you like their writing style #indiechat -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @chihuahuazero Glad you're here! ;) #indiechat -9:08 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I burn out my CPs as I rely on them for high and low moments. #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites I also try to find people interested in my particular subject (YA, Paranormal, Romance). #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne Hi everyone! #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero I still feel sorry for giving my betas my unfinished story before its time. Speaking of which... #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @chihuahuazero Welcome in! #Indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @SPNHeather oh yeah, and I met a CP at an SCBWI conference (as well as many more potential ones, but time becomes a factor) #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri I don't prefer chapter to chapter. I have trouble remembering what I read prior. I prefer trading entire manuscripts. #indiechat -9:09 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon If people are looking for CPs and betas this #Indiechat is also probably a good place to find them. -9:10 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 This might help: #indiechat -9:10 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @overdunne Welcome! #Indiechat -9:10 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn Very important in a crit partner @LawsonWrites: I find people interested in my particular subject (YA, Paranormal, Romance). #indiechat -9:10 PM Aug 28th, 2012

BooksOverBoys RT @MaganVernon: If people are looking for CPs and betas this #Indiechat is also probably a good place to find them. -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @HeatherSunseri I don't think chapter to chapter can replace a full beta. #indiechat -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell tip: when trying out a new CP, switch just a few chapters 1st. if you don't like their writing or feedback, no sense in going on #indiechat -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @susankayequinn But at the same time, I had an excellent beta who didn't write my genre. A very different perspective. #indiechat -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @MaganVernon Oh , well I could use one :) I need someone who is not a "friend" and is willing to tell me when it sucks and such #IndieChat -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn I was actually part of critters. Had to let it go because of time. #indiechat -9:11 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn Excellent advice! @JessieHarrell: tip: when trying out a new CP, switch just a few chapters 1st. #indiechat -9:12 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero My betas did some proofreading of my earlier MS. Did the same happen to you? #indiechat -9:12 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I think Betas could be anyone, whether they read your genre or not. Watcha think? #indiechat -9:12 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon There are also national groups that have local chapters and are great to find CPs. Like SCWBI and RWA #Indiechat -9:12 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Ah! I haven't used it - so it's not just a matchmaker, there's a time committment? #indiechat -9:12 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @SPNHeather Maybe check back with me after my October deadline and A could be free :) #Indiechat -9:13 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Def. A mixed group is good. RT @EArroyo5: I think Betas could be anyone, whether they read your genre or not. Watcha think? #indiechat -9:13 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne Always looking for help getting things right, but I've decided beta is better for me. Like 2 keep things close until "finished" #indiechat -9:13 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I absolutely could not survive w/out betas! #indiechat -9:13 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero I once critiqued ten pieces in one week over at Critique Circle. Haven't been able to go back to the site. #indiechat -9:13 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @MaganVernon Awesome! I'm doing YA paranormal romance ... and we are half into our first draft #IndieChat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 They can be, but it helps if they understand genre conventions. Then again, a good CP can crit anything. #indiechat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @EArroyo5 I want someone to beta who is interested in my genre. prefer teens so I get a sense of whether I've gotten YA voice #indiechat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon Here is a touch question, how do you know when to dump a CP or beta and ow do you go about it? #Indiechat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Opinions on teen betas for YA? #indiechat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn There's a percentage of crits you have to maintain. At least once a week. #indiechat -9:14 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @SPNHeather Obviously I have the most random mixture of books in the world, ha, #Indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn "genre conventions"? #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @SPNHeather it's great you're writing w/ someone. keeps u motivated and is a built in beta. 2 heads and all. #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

patricialynne07 Lurking in #IndieChat. Talking beta and crit partners. =) -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Yeah, that wouldn't work for me either. My needs flex and so do other people's. #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @chihuahuazero I had a teen beta. Loved it! #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites While writing I really need someone on standby to throw ideas out to &help me keep on plot. Later I need more solid advice #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @chihuahuazero LOVE them, as long as you give them guidelines for feedback. must tell them what expecting or will be generic #indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @chihuahuazero I used a teen beta once. She was helpful on lingo, but not structure. I use teens more as "consultants" #Indiechat -9:15 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @EArroyo5 @susankayequinn For example, the different romance "tropes" in YA. #indiechat -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeatherSunseri RT @chihuahuazero: Opinions on teen betas for YA? #indiechat //I plan to let my teen daughter read. Does that count? ;) -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Like, what YA readers expect vs. hard SF. Or cozy mysteries vs. romance. #indiechat -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @JessieHarrell It's interesting esp. it being my husband and all :) #indiechat -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @MaganVernon I like that though #indiechat -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn Gotcha. Makes sense. #indiechat -9:16 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @SPNHeather You're lucky! My husband barely reads my stuff AFTER it's published. LOL #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling After I return a beta read with a new beta, I wait and see if they ask again. I like it to be a fair trade. #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Finding teen betas will be easy for me. Go to lunch table, slam MS table, say "email me!" #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne Hard to find a teen with the knowledge base/focus to be a true CP. But they are great for overall feel and 'lingo' #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling My husband does not read my stuff. lol #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon Okay, I'll throw a different question out there then. In person V online CPs. Who uses what? Do you like one better? #Indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @chihuahuazero goes back to my B, C, D advice. get them to write it in margins if they are bored, confused or don't believe it #indiechat -9:17 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @MaganVernon I don't think I'll face to face crit group again. #indiechat I like email. -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @MaganVernon I've done only online critiquing. Mostly through Google Docs, which is now Drive. #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn I'm in the same boat. My kids won't read it either. They think it's too weird. lol #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @chihuahuazero i have some that I ask general questions to but not really reading upfront. its not a bad idea though #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon RT @overdunne: Hard to find a teen with the knowledge base/focus to be a true CP. But they are great for overall feel and 'lingo' #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @MaganVernon I'm mostly online, although I have a monthly SCBWI crit group - they just don't have time to do the crits I need. #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I know I couldn't do a face to face crit group. I have to process the info alone. #indiechat -9:18 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @chihuahuazero Ive never used Google Docs for critiquing, just word track changes. Hmmm. #Indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero It's fortunate that I have an author I can swap MSes with in the future. #indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

patricialynne07 @MaganVernon I had a friend who was an amazing crit partner. Then I had to move and she got busy with her kids. #indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @MaganVernon I'm all about online CPs. Even my one in-town CP, we still swap e-copies. im not productive face-to-face. #chitchat #indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @laurapauling Bad experience with face to face? #Indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 I just realized I have a teen CP - my kid! (He's a writer too) #indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @MaganVernon It's useful if you have more than one beta. I had them leave comments. #indiechat -9:19 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @laurapauling ha mine either. maybe at the very final edits. like, final. #indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Face to face groups are awesome for reading story openings - a few pages, you can see if you grab 'em. Or not. #indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @EArroyo5 I'm not sure if I have the PAPER to do face-to-face. #indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @susankayequinn We can bring five pages in to my RWA group a month. I use it a lot fr opening pages and romance help. #Indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @MaganVernon Not a bad exper. But it took up a lot of time. #indiechat I'd rather meet once a month but not twice a month. -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn I usually bounce ideas off my kids, but that's as far as they'll go. #indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon @patricialynne07 Losing an amazing cp sucks! #Indiechat -9:20 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @MaganVernon I have both, but the in person ones are just for my level 1 reading...content #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn I'm just not brave enough to do that yet. =) #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn RT @MaganVernon: We can bring five pages in to my RWA group a month. I use it a lot fr opening pages and romance help. #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @susankayequinn I know LM Preston wrangles her kids into her writing. reads to them on road trips & gets feedback #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

patricialynne07 @MaganVernon I've lost a couple and have been struggling to find new ones. >.< #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @chihuahuazero lol #indiechat -9:21 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MaganVernon I'm sorry #Indiechat but I have to bounce. The killer is whining. @susankayequinn @laurapauling and @JessieHarrell will take over! -9:22 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Find a friendly group - go first, don't bring pages, just listen. See if they're sharks. :) Then jump in. :) #indiechat -9:22 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @EArroyo5 I mean, I don't want to take the time to go to a printing place, and school won't like me using their printers. #indiechat -9:22 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 There's a RWA chapter near where I live. I should just do it. #indiechat -9:22 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @MaganVernon Have a good night, Magan! #indiechat -9:23 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @chihuahuazero I know what you mean. It can get pricey #indiechat -9:23 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @EArroyo5 totally. RWA or I know our local SCBWI chapter does the same thing at the end of the meetings. #indiechat -9:23 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 You're not in IL by chance, are you? I've been meaning to go to my local RWA - we could be buddies. :) #indiechat -9:24 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne Hardest part abt having a crit partner- u have 2 crit back! I love reading other's stuff-hard to give honest but pos criticism #indiechat -9:24 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @HeatherSunseri I can handle only so many crit partners. And I've had up to 4/5 betas on a story. #indiechat -9:24 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn Yeah. I can use a buddy. lol #indiechat -9:24 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @MaganVernon good luck! #indiechat -9:24 PM Aug 28th, 2012

kathkells I would LOVE to find a crit partner. Haven't had much luck these last few years. I write YA thrillers/horror, some contemp. #indiechat -9:25 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling What are some good guidelines for critiquing and beta reading? #indiechat -9:25 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Critiquing is something the TV Trope writing forum struggles with. Everyone wants a critique, but not TO critique. #indiechat -9:25 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @overdunne yes! sometimes it's more work to find the positive ... #indiechat -9:25 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell there is a free group on yalitchat that lets you get feedback on your first 5 and help others in return. good place to find CPs #indiechat -9:26 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Wait, you ARE in Illinois -what part? I'm thinking of going to the northwest suburbs chapter - DesPlaines? #indiechat -9:26 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling How many of you follow that sandwich rule? #indiechat -9:26 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @laurapauling: What are some good guidelines for critiquing and beta reading? #indiechat -9:26 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Two positive comments for every negative. I think that applies more to chapter critiques though. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites Critiquing is hard. My early partners were harsh and set me up to handle almost anything. I try to do the same back. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn Me too! I live in Chicago. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @laurapauling I aim for more 50/50. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @laurapauling I think when critiquing, it's very important not to make the story yours. stick w/in the authors' vision. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @chihuahuazero This is why swaps are the way to go-I do yours, you do mine (not necessarily at the same time). Accountability #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling not really sandwich, but I try to always end on a good note. #indiechat -9:27 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 Balance the good with the not so good as honestly as you can. #indiechat -9:28 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @susankayequinn Thinking about it, that's something they haven't really tried out. #indiechat -9:28 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @ondinal_songs It varies, but it's more of a community than many of the writer's forums I've joined. #indiechat -9:28 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @JessieHarrell That's a great one. One that all writers learn. To respect an author's vision for their story. #indiechat -9:28 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne RT @JessieHarrell:I think when critiquing, its very important not to make the story yours. stick w/in the authors vision. <-agree #indiechat -9:29 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell I also try to tell the author WHY I don't understand something. maybe it's intentional on their part or they overlooked it #indiechat -9:29 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling At the same time, I'm not a newbie and don't need false praise. I just want to make the story better. #indiechat -9:29 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell yep! RT @laurapauling: At the same time, Im not a newbie and dont need false praise. I just want to make the story better. #indiechat -9:30 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling So much of the criticism is in how we phrase our words. I don't use words like, "Um, really?" #indiechat -9:30 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Has anyone have any trouble not overhauling a story's prose while being a beta? #indiechat -9:30 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 RT @JessieHarrell: there is a free group on yalitchat that lets you get feedback on your first 5 and help others in return. #indiechat -9:30 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5 Email me! Maybe we can meet up in an RWA mtg in Sept. #indiechat -9:30 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @overdunne It's hard for me to word my negative thoughts in a good way, if that makes sense. #indiechat -9:31 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @chihuahuazero Honestly, during a beta, I stay away from the prose unless I notice a pattern. #indiechat -9:31 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @JessieHarrell Also agree! I try to tell author where my eye stuck. Where things were confusing. And where I went 'Yes!' #indiechat -9:31 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @laurapauling Yeah, sarcastic crits = not so much helpful! #indiechat -9:31 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn Will do. =) #indiechat -9:32 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @chihuahuazero I'm technical, so I'll jump on commas & such, but leave the prose alone unless really awkward #indiechat -9:32 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @EArroyo5 Yep. I understand that one. Sometimes things are just bad. But it's always a start for better. #indiechat -9:32 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I always try and ask the writer what stage the manuscript is in. I'll beta differently for a more polished draft. #indiechat -9:32 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn @EArroyo5: @overdunne Keep it personal, meaning "this doesn't work for me" or "I don't understand this" #indiechat -9:32 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @JessieHarrell I try to stay with technical, but it gets foggy when description comes into play. #indiechat -9:33 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling How have most of you found your beta readers or crit partners? #indiechat -9:33 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @overdunne Yes! And it's subjective anyway. It's just my thoughts and I make that as clear as I can. #indiechat -9:33 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell RT @laurapauling I always try and ask the writer what stage the manuscript is in. Ill beta differently for a more polished draft. #indiechat -9:33 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I found my crit partner through blogs. #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn Blogs, chats (!), in person, conferences... @laurapauling: How have most of you found your beta readers or crit partners? #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell I think giving feedback to others is a great way to fine tune your editing skills for use on your own work. #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Froze8 @MaganVernon I love beta reading! :) #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling Twitter! I have one dear and HONEST friend who helps me with small sticky parts though... #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @laurapauling other writers. Some readers. Most through online networks #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 RT @JessieHarrell: I think giving feedback to others is a great way to fine tune your editing skills for use on your own work. #indiechat -9:34 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @susankayequinn @laurapauling Friends, in my one/two "major" beta read attempt. #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @JessieHarrell: I think giving feedback to others is a great way to fine tune your editing skills for use on your own work. #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell My CPs have come from conferences, yalitchat and a "love connection" (mutual friend introduced us) #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne I am open to beta'ing for folks, but I don't have anything ready for trade right now. Will soon...about 15k left in current WIP #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

susankayequinn I have to run - have fun indiechatters! #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell My betas are typically my non-writing friends or their kids who don't mind giving feedback or talking through plot, etc. #indiechat -9:35 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @susankayequinn Good night! #indiechat -9:36 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I love having a few where we'll always be willing to trade work. Other betas might end up being a one time thing. That's okay. #indiechat -9:36 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling At what point in your manuscript do you ask for beta reads or chapter crits? #indiechat -9:36 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 @susankayequinn night. #indiechat -9:36 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero I'm not sure if I should offer to beta read or not, but I'm open in the future. #indiechat -9:37 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @laurapauling Last time, I asked too early. I'm waiting until I have a more polished draft. #indiechat -9:37 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling after editing first draft. #indiechat -9:37 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I ask for betas after the ms is as polished as I could get it. CPs look at it much earlier. #indiechat -9:37 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne Me too. I try and do all the major rewrites I can do. Then I ask for betas. #indiechat -9:38 PM Aug 28th, 2012

patricialynne07 I ask for betas after a complete rewrite a few more read throughs. #indiechat -9:38 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @laurapauling either about midway--if I need plotting advice or when I'm finished. #indiechat -9:38 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @chihuahuazero I think beta reading is faster than being a CP - CPs have to be more critical IMO #indiechat -9:38 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I don't want to start polishing to realize a big plot hole is glaring at me. #indiechat -9:39 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell agree --> RT @EArroyo5: I ask for betas after the ms is as polished as I could get it. CPs look at it much earlier. #indiechat -9:39 PM Aug 28th, 2012

EArroyo5 I gotta go. Great chat. #indiechat -9:39 PM Aug 28th, 2012

MichWritesBooks @jessieharrell @laurapauling Yes! This! #IndieChat -9:39 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @EArroyo5 Good night! #indiechat -9:39 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling But I'll let the reader know that no one else has read it yet. Those betas have the toughest job. #indiechat -9:40 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore Late but thrilled to be here! Betas are gold! #Indiechat -9:40 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling Feels sloppy if I haven't had at least 1 edit. Couldn't bear to share it before...unless it's just a part or scene #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @Addison_Moore Hey there! *waves* #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @EArroyo5 night, night! #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @HeatherSunseri I agree! And so nice to see you, girl! #Indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Thinking, my early betas were alphas. #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne That would have to be someone I knew well and trusted. #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Usually I do some big rewrites have the first beta read. Gets easier after that. #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @EArroyo5 good night #indiechat -9:41 PM Aug 28th, 2012

kramerhendricks RT @chihuahuazero: Thinking, my early betas were alphas. #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @EArroyo5: I ask for betas after the ms is as polished as I could get it. CPs look at it much earlier. #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Maybe I should leave early...but I don't know what to first. Blog post, typing up rough draft, getting back to novel... #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling also personally feel I'd be wasting their time if it wasn't ready for other eyes. #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites I've also started drafting the whole story & then put it "away" for a bit. During that time I get out the prior book and polish #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne I agree. I do all the work I can do first. #indiechat -9:42 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @laurapauling: But I'll let the reader know that no one else has read it yet. Those betas have the toughest job. #indiechat -9:43 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @SPNHeather Absolute write forums? Not sure about that one. @NathanBransford has forums you might try. @JessieHarrell #Indiechat -9:43 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Has anyone ever had a partner read over an outline or synopsis? #indiechat -9:43 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell so it seems like most people use betas later for polishing and CPs early to vet out the bugs/holes/etc. #indiechat -9:43 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I found long time friends and crit partners on Critique Circle. #indiechat -9:43 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I don't frequent it very often anymore though. Great place to get started. #indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @SPNHeather I still think friends and family are great too!!!! ;) @JessieHarrell #Indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne One thing I do like about betas- the feeling of a deadline. If I know I've got a time to work toward I work more efficiently. #indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

SPNHeather @Addison_Moore Thank you so much Addison! #indiechat @JessieHarrell -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @laurapauling oh, I did that with my recent novel idea. wanted to see if CP thought plot sounded engaging enough. #indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @JessieHarrell I use a beta after major rewrites and also after I polish...just to make sure. #indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero @laurapauling Me either. #indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @LawsonWrites I agree. Time apart always helps. #Indiechat -9:44 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @Addison_Moore true. I get hubby to listen to my guy dialog so he can tell me how to make it sound more "guy" #indiechat -9:45 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling How has the critique process changed for any of you with self publishing? #indiechat -9:45 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling I don't feel like I have time for a 6 month chapter to chapter crit like I used to. #indiechat Not sure anyone does. -9:46 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @Addison_Moore yes. and i use different readers for each time. By the time the 1st readers see it finished it's a different book #indiechat -9:46 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @laurapauling *Hugs Laura* #Indiechat -9:46 PM Aug 28th, 2012

KristineAsselin @laurapauling Saw your thread about #betas on #indiechat...I'm about half way. Not that I'm feeling guilty about being slow or anything. :) -9:46 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @laurapauling what do you mean how? #indiechat -9:46 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling I'm still feeling it out. Today is official epub day on Amazon for debut novel (shameless self promo) so still new! #indiechat -9:47 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @LawsonWrites Same here. It always keeps morphing. #Indiechat -9:47 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @laurapauling Time is a factor with indie publishing, but so is quality & I want as many eyes on my work as I can get. #indiechat -9:47 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @LawsonWrites I find myself not languishing over the opening like I did before querying agents. #indiechat -9:47 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne YOu released your novel today? #indiechat -9:48 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @laurapauling yes! totally! I know exactly what you mean. I now write for the reader not the agent #indiechat -9:48 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @laurapauling Yes! Today is my book birthday, AND my real birthday! :) :) #indiechat -9:49 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @overdunne CONGRATS! That's awesome. #indiechat -9:49 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne Mind you, still working with Createspace for the paperback version. #indiechat -9:49 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne Okay, share the link and title, please! #indiechat Congrats! -9:49 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Addison_Moore @overdunne Happy double birthday!!!! @laurapauling #Indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @overdunne I did the same thing when I released Destined last year (on my b-day) = double cause to celebrate! #indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne So cool. Happy Birthday! #indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero Going to write a blog post. G'night fellow writers! #indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LawsonWrites @overdunne congrats! #indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne @JessieHarrell :) Thanks! It's been a super birthday for me. #indiechat -9:50 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell I'm thinking we should have a way for ppl here tonight to swap info if they are looking for betas/CPs. #indiechat -9:51 PM Aug 28th, 2012

patricialynne07 @overdunne Congrats and happy birthday! =D #indiechat -9:51 PM Aug 28th, 2012

chihuahuazero RT @JessieHarrell: I'm thinking we should have a way for ppl here tonight to swap info if they are looking for betas/CPs. #indiechat -9:51 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell feel free to leave a comment on the Indelibles blog under the transcript post if you're looking... #indiechat -9:52 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @chihuahuazero Good night! Glad you stopped by! #indiechat -9:52 PM Aug 28th, 2012

overdunne It's called TREASURE IN THE FLAME (YA historical fiction/fantasy) and can be found here... #indiechat -9:52 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling Good idea. RT @JessieHarrell: feel free to leave a comment on the Indelibles blog under the transcript post if you're looking... #indiechat -9:52 PM Aug 28th, 2012

HeyItsFishy RT @JessieHarrell: feel free to leave a comment on the Indelibles blog under the transcript post if you're looking... #indiechat -9:52 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell leave your name, contact and the genre you write #indiechat -9:53 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling RT @overdunne: It's called TREASURE IN THE FLAME (YA historical fiction/fantasy) and can be found here... #indiechat -9:53 PM Aug 28th, 2012

LM_Preston Sorry I missed most of #indiechat -9:53 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling @overdunne Sounds terrific. I love treasure maps! #indiechat -9:54 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell @LM_Preston awww... missed you. you were one of my first (& greatest) beta readers. #indiechat -9:54 PM Aug 28th, 2012

laurapauling any other comments or questions about crit partners and/or beta readers? #indiechat -9:55 PM Aug 28th, 2012

IndieAuthorNews INDIE or TRADITIONAL: Should you make the Jump? ? ? #WritingTips #IndieChat #SelfPub -9:55 PM Aug 28th, 2012

JessieHarrell oh, final tip: find out what the person ur reading for wants. if they don't want line edits, don't waste ur time #indiechat -9:55 PM Aug 28th, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Whole New World

World building.

For writers and readers.

 A writer’s greatest challenge can be creating a world in which she or he believes in. The writer’s first job is to buy into the fantasy of their own creation. If the writer doubts the landscape, the infrastructure, the characters, it erodes the foundation of the story.
            Readers are savvy. They see transparently whether or not the story world is one they should or shouldn’t buy into. The writer’s enthusiasm for a project is contagious, and so is that of the reader's.
            As important as it is to add dimension to your characters, it’s important to nurture a believable environment no matter how fantasy based the plot may be—in fact, especially if the plot is fantasy based.
            The writer must first sell himself. It’s really that simple.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Draw a map, so you can visualize on paper the lay of the land.
2. Make a list of locations, hot spots in geography, the schools, the city, the suburbs.
3. Give your world plenty of personality.
4. Let your location/world become a well-loved character within your story. 

What fictional worlds have drawn you in? Twilight? Hunger Games?
Do tell. I really want to know.

Addison Moore is the mother of four children and a graduate of the University of Southern California. She writes young adult fiction and eats way too much chocolate.

Feel free to visit Addison here:   Blog Twitter Facebook Amazon Author Page 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Judging A Book By Its Cover

Be honest with yourself, you’ve probably done it at least once. I won’t lie, I do it all the time. The cover of a book is what draws me to it, second only to the title. Third is the description, unless of course I’ve already heard about it from a friend. A great cover will make me pick up a book to learn more about it, regardless of the title, or even what I may have heard about the book. Of course a great concept will always make me want to know more about a book, and a catchy title might make me investigate further as well. But when I’m skimming through new releases, it’s the cover that gets my attention. This could be the designer in me, but I don’t think that’s the only factor.

On the opposite side of that coin, I must admit that a bad cover may make me pass over a book~even one that might have sounded interesting to me. Terribly superficial of me, I know, but as a reader I expect the publisher or author (if they are self-published) to put a good amount of thought and effort into the cover. It is the first impression after all. Case in point: I ‘m not fond of the original covers of the Sookie Stackhouse books. Some love them, but me, not so much. In fact, I disliked them so much that I never read the books until I saw the TV show and realized how great the story was. Now that I know, I couldn’t care less. Lesson learned on my part. Now I always read the first page, no matter what the cover, if a book has drawn my interest.

But the draw of a good cover remains as the main hook for most readers, therefore it’s something that warrants attention. It is an investment in the book’s future, one that can pay off well if carefully considered. I’m curious, as a reader, have you ever judged a book by its cover?


Heather McCorkle is the author of the channeler series and the acclaimed historical fantasy, To Ride A Puca. She is also a freelance cover designer under the name of CP Design. The novella in her channeler series, Born Of Fire, is currently free on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lee Strauss has a new cover!

Seventeen year old Zoe Vanderveen is a GAP—a genetically altered person. She lives in the security of a walled city on prime water-front property along side other equally beautiful people with extended life spans. Her brother Liam is missing.

 Noah Brody is a natural who lives on the outside. He leads protests against the GAPs and detests the widening chasm they’ve created between those who have and those who don’t. He doesn’t like girls like Zoe and he has good reason not to like her specifically.

 Zoe’s carefree life takes a traumatic turn. She’s in trouble and it turns out that Noah, the last guy on earth she should trust, is the only one who can help her.

 PERCEPTION is a ( SF/mystery/romance) Young Adult novel that takes place in the not too distant future in a world changed by climate extremes, natural disasters and impending wars, and where scientific breakthroughs cause class divisions—both financially and philosophically. It explores the clash between faith and science and how differences can separate us as enemies or ally us together. And in some cases, even in the midst of betrayal and personal crisis, there’s room to fall in love. This is the first book in a planned three book series.

 You can "like" Lee Strauss on facebook and mark Perception to read on goodreads.

Lee Strauss is also known as Elle Strauss (yes, it's me!) Read this post if you want to know why I'm using a pen name.

PERCEPTION will be for sale on Amazon and at other e-retailer stores SEPTEMBER 12!

Elle Strauss writes fun, lower YA fiction (time-travel and merfolk). She is fond of Lindt’s sea salt dark chocolate and hiking in good weather. Elle is married with four children and divides her time between British Columbia, Canada, and Germany. She also writes upper/mature YA (historical and science fiction) as Lee Strauss. Visit her at