Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Indelible Launch Inside Scoopage

A group of twenty five independently published authors have all banded together to support each other and get the word out about great indie publishing books and authors.

And guess what? We launch on Monday, January 9th. yay!

Who are we? "We are fun fierce and fabulous indie authors making a mark on readers."

Here's a sneak peek of what we have in store for you:

  • A Kindle Fire Contest 
  • Blog Hops with tons of giveaways and prizes
  • A chat for bloggers to talk about books and give prizes away - just to thank our blogger buddies for their support and everything they do for books on their own time.
  • A chat for writers and authors to discuss self publishing and indie publishing.
  • And much more. Maybe even cupcakes!
Sound too good to be true? It's not. 

Come back Monday for the fun and schedule of events.

Meanwhile. to get a head start on the Kindle Fire Contest - you can simply FOLLOW this blog and our twitter page for more inside scoop.

Hope to see you all Monday! It will be Fun, Fierce, and Fabulous Day.


  1. First day, and I found you. Woot! Open Minds was my favorite book last year and I'd really like to read some of these others. I'll post your contest if somebody reminds me.

  2. Wow - I love the name you've chosen for your group.

  3. Yay! I can hardly wait, so much great stuff on the way.

  4. Exciting stuff! Looking forward to Monday :)

  5. Love this! Followed the blog and twitter. Will be checking back Monday :-)

  6. Sheli, how have I missed this site??? Love it!! Following now. :)

  7. Followed the blog and Twitter. I'll be back on Monday.

  8. Following Twitter and this Blog! Can't wait!

  9. Congrats! Count me in as one of your followers. xo,

  10. This is going to be so awesome! I can hardly wait.

  11. Can't wait for the contest and to read future posts from my fellow Indelibles! So glad to be a part. :)

  12. So exciting! Best of luck ladies, and I'm here to support you on the way!

  13. Hey! Sounds fantastic. Love a writers support network, nothing helps those depressing writerly emotions than a fellow writer! :)
    Look forward to following you ladies.;)

  14. @Jade Thanks so much! And you're so right about writerly support - it's amazing what we can do when we pool our resources and work with other! (not to mention virtual hugs!)
