Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Has anyone else noticed all the remakes lately? I turn on the radio and a surprising number of "new" hits are actually remakes of old songs. Either that or they are at least heavily sampling something from the past. It's the same with movies. I could hardly believe it when they remade Footloose last year! And now in 2012 there are remakes like 21 Jump Street and Fright Night. Next year, I hear they are coming out with a new Superman and even remaking Steel Magnolias. It makes me wonder: Where are all the original ideas?

I think what bothers me most about some of these remakes is that sometimes it just seems that the studios or musical artists just want to make a quick buck. Rather than put in the time and effort of actually doing something new or original, they simply hire new actors to tell the same exact story in the same exact way. Then, they push it out to the public saying, "Remember this movie you loved when you were younger? You've just got to go see the remake, it's awesome!" Something about it feels so manufactured and passionless.

But what about when a true artist takes an old story and makes something new out of it? The Dark Knight series of Batman remakes has been amazing and I honestly can't wait for The Dark Knight Rises this summer. On the other hand, that series still has unique elements that weren't there in the original films. Of course, you could also say the films were just a remake of the comic books since that's where Batman got his true start, but at least the Batman Begins trilogy tells the story in a new way.

What about Snow White and the Huntsman? Old story. New twist. In the previews at least, I haven't seen any reference to seven dwarves. I haven't seen Snow White in the kitchen whistling and cooking for seven tiny men or roaming through the happy woods with deer. Instead, there are scenes with her in full body armor, wielding a sword and shield. I think I'm going to like this Snow White (even if I don't always love Kristen Stewart).

When a remake is done with a totally new twist, it can be powerful and exciting. Then again, when it's just a straight remake, I often get frustrated and confused. If you're not improving on it, why do it? Just to make money? I'd much rather see people take a risk on something original than something regurgitated. That's one reason I love this new revolution of self-publishing. I love the freedom so many authors have now of telling their own stories in their own unique way (or completely reimagining something old and giving it an exciting new twist). Less limitations and more creativity in story-telling is much more exciting to me than straight remakes of something that's been done several times before.

What are some of your favorite remakes? What about remakes that disappointed you? Is there something you've always wanted to see redone? I'd love to hear your opinions on this!


Sarra Cannon
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Sarra Cannon grew up in a small town in Georgia where she learned that being popular always comes at a price. Now, she lives in North Carolina with her amazing husband and her teeny tiny Pomeranian,Snickerdoodle. Books and music are her greatest passions. She has never been a cheerleader, but it's possible she knows a few things about casting spells.

The first book in her popular Peachville High Demons series, Beautiful Demons, is now available for free at most ebook retailers.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Indiechat 5/29 with Author Raine Thomas!

Raine_Thomas Howdy, all! Happy to be a part of the #indiechat tonight. Hope everyone is doing well! -9:04 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB Hi! How's everyone doing this evening? #indiechat -9:04 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas Hey hey! #indiechat -9:04 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio Hey where is everyone tonight? #indiechat -9:05 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KatGirl_Studio That sounds fun! What convention was it? @LM_Preston #indiechat -9:05 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @KatGirl_Studio I'm trying to find that out right now! lol #indiechat -9:05 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Jumping in on #indiechat What's the topic? -9:06 PM May 29th, 2012

Paperbook_Blog So whats the topic tonight #indiechat -9:06 PM May 29th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @Raine_Thomas: Howdy, all! Happy to be a part of the #indiechat tonight. Hope everyone is doing well! -9:06 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas Fanime, Northern CA's largest anime & Japanese pop culture convention. #indiechat -9:07 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston I'm going to the UtopYA one in TN. Can't wait. RT @Raine_Thomas: @KatGirl_Studio That sounds fun! What convention was it? #indiechat -9:07 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB Looks like @MaganVernon and I are freestyling it. Let's talk about Covers and ISBN's. Go! #indiechat -9:07 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KatGirl_Studio Oh, wow! That sounds awesome. Did you enjoy it? #indiechat -9:07 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Looks like #indiechat is about celebrating Indie books! And we have @Raine_Thomas visiting! -9:08 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @LM_Preston Me, too! I'll be on a panel at UTopYA. Can't wait! @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:08 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @MaganVernon Nice, you actually checked the schedule. You Go. #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Last indie book I read was The Veil by @CoryPutmanOakes I loved it so much #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston Oh, did anyone know about the Benjamin Franklin Award for Independent books? The ceremony is June 4th sponsored by @Ibpa at #BEA #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas *Waves* Sure thing! Very happy to be here. Who doesn't love chatting about indie books, eh? :) @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas always =^.^= I've exhibited at it since 2008. It's the only event I know of that's open 24hrs a day. #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

AuthorTiffany #indiechat Yay for @UtopYAcon Can't wait to go ;) @Raine_Thomas -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Hi everyone! #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Stacey_WB yay covers! #indiechat -9:09 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @AuthorTiffany @LynAlmodovar Okay we are so gonna have to meet up there :-D I'm supposed to be speaking. #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Don't we have guests with us tonight? #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper Sorry I'm late! #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston What's the topic? #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KatGirl_Studio Holy cow! That sounds exhausting. Hope you also got to enjoy some of the conference. #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

Vampyre_2000 RT @Raine_Thomas: *Waves* Sure thing! Very happy to be here. Who doesn't love chatting about indie books, eh? :) @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

LynAlmodovar Promo starting Friday I'm hosting #YA #Indie Month with interviews and showcasing #YA #Indie Books feel free to stop by #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I believe that @AbbiGlines is also here? #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas Congrats on the panel! That's exciting. I'm hoping to lead a workshop next year in Amelia Island. #indiechat -9:10 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @laurapauling Our guest is @Raine_Thomas #indiechat -9:11 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Lovely! #indiechat -9:11 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @AuthorTiffany Yes! *double fist bumps* So many awesome folks going to UTopYA! @UtopYAcon #indiechat -9:11 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Hi Raine! Would you like to start with what you write and introduce yourself? #indiechat -9:11 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KCircelli That would be awesome! Amelia Island, eh? Sounds inviting. Which event is it? #indiechat -9:12 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas well the vendors rooms are only open from 10:30am-7pm. After that there are shows, dances and videos. #indiechat -9:12 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas Hey there! Love your cover! How far in advance did you start your promo for your book? #indiechat -9:12 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas Amelia Island Book Festival.Workshops,then festival for local authors and big names alike.Last year was incredible. #indiechat -9:13 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Here's a link to Raine's Amazon Author page and all her books! #indiechat -9:13 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon RT @laurapauling: Here's a link to Raine's Amazon Author page and all her books! #indiechat -9:14 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Sure! @laurapauling I write YA fantasy/romance (so far). I published the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy last year & DEFY on 4/30. #indiechat -9:14 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas What a journey! Love all your covers. #indiechat -9:14 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas does have awesome covers. I kept staring at them from across the room at the literacy fair. #indiechat -9:14 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Are you self published or with a small press? #indiechat -9:15 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Just finished the first draft of SHIFT, the second book of the Firstborn trilogy (to follow DEFY). Editing to come! @laurapauling #indiechat -9:15 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I think that the girl on Becoming looks like Quinn from Glee @Raine_Thomas #indiechat -9:15 PM May 29th, 2012

LauraHoward78 Must join #indiechat if we're talking to my gal @Raine_Thomas -9:16 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KatGirl_Studio Well, that's not too bad! I might have turned into a pumpkin after working all day, but that sounds fun. :) #indiechat -9:16 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas Do you release your books in ebook first or paperback or both at the same time? #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Thx! For my first trilogy, I ignorantly did little promotion. With DEFY, I started a couple of months before release. @LM_Preston #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas not me =^.^= I think I went to sleep at 4am each day. Too much fun to miss. #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Did you find that made a big difference? #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas who does your covers? #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

CKingVan New to this chatting. New to writing. New to twitter, and they say you have to have a Blog! All I know is this story. #indiechat -9:17 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KCircelli I'll have to look into that! Anything taking place on an island sounds fabulous. :) #indiechat -9:18 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB Sorry! I'm back. My son dropped a plate on the tile kitchen floor and I had to deal. :) #indiechat -9:18 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston Yikes! Good thing he's okayRT @Stacey_WB: Sorry! I'm back. My son dropped a plate on the tile kitchen floor and I had to deal. :) #indiechat -9:18 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Stacey_WB Wait, is your son the one with the beautiful eyes or is that @Lisa_Nowak #indiechat -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Thanks! My covers were done by the fabulous Devan Edwards of Nimbi Design. @laurapauling #indiechat She's amazing! @devanescence -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

UtopYAcon @LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas thanks for the shout outs on #indiechat hope to see the fans and authors in July -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @LynAlmodovar Always like to get out the word for Indies #indiechat -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @CKingVan Eh, to the blog. Have a place where people can find links to your work and find out a little about you. #indiechat -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston Woot! RT @UtopYAcon: @LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas thanks for the shout outs on #indiechat hope to see the fans and authors in July -9:19 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas LOL! @KCircelli Thanks, gal! You've got awesome book covers, too. LOVE the artwork! #indiechat -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas What are some of the biggest lessons learned in your publishing path? #indiechat -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas Workshops alone are worth it, got to meet David Morrel and Tatjana Soli and get their books signed! #indiechat -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 Almost missed #indiechat. What's the topic tonight? -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas How long does it take you to write your novels? Also I see you have a cute short story available for free #indiechat -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas I'm self-published, but I created a small press myself called Iambe Books. We're now working with a couple authors. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:20 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @patricialynne07 We have YA author @raine_Thomas with us! #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas has that been difficult taking on other authors too? #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

CKingVan @CKingVan sigh. That's not showing up on the chat page. Maybe I'll just start chapter 14 instead. #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @patricialynne07 Guest Raine Thomas is here tonight #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas Thanks! I can't take any credit, I have an awesome artist friend. #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @CKingVan Welcome to #indiechat ! -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas What a cool observation! lol @MaganVernon RT "I think that the girl on Becoming looks like Quinn from #Glee" #indiechat -9:21 PM May 29th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @KCircelli: @Raine_Thomas Thanks! I can't take any credit, I have an awesome artist friend. #indiechat -9:22 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas *hugs* Hi, Laura! Welcome to the fun! :) @LauraHoward78 #indiechat -9:22 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @laurapauling Awesome, glad I didn't skip out tonight. #indiechat @raine_Thomas -9:22 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Well then, you're doing it right! (And you're not old, like me). lol @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:23 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas And you're also working a day job? Phew! #indiechat -9:23 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas I can definitely say that promoting DEFY's release was helpful. It generated interest among new and existing fans. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:24 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Raine_Thomas How do you keep up a day job and a best selling series? #indiechat I'm a working author myself. -9:24 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas I'm thinking then that helped with sales with your previous trilogy? #indiechat -9:25 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas What questions do you loathe getting at events? Any that you just hate answering? #indiechat -9:25 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas My covers are done by Devan Edwards of Nimbi Design @devanescence @KatGirl_Studio She's the best!! #indiechat -9:25 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas What all did you do to promote for those two months before release? #indiechat -9:25 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @SPNHeather *raises hand* I'll be hitting you up! #indiechat -9:26 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas Do you hire editors/copyeditors or do you do that part yourself? #indiechat -9:26 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Biggest lessons on my publishing path: 1) Build your social media platform, 2) Always edit, 3) Hire a cover artist! @laurapauling #indiechat -9:26 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas sound advice. #indiechat -9:27 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I feel like I'm missing out on stuff #indiechat LOUD NOISES -9:27 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas @KCircelli You've definitely piqued my interest! I'll have to follow up with you for more info. :) #indiechat -9:27 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @Raine_Thomas @laurapauling Excellent! #indiechat -9:27 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas the Indelibles would agree! Words to live by. #indiechat -9:27 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Hiring a copy editor was a smart move. She is currently going back through my first book to clean it up. #indiechat -9:28 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Editing and well done covers seems to be key. #indiechat -9:28 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes! THE PROPHECY is a #free Estilorian short story, a prequel to my first trilogy. Each book takes about 3 months. @LM_Preston #indiechat -9:29 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas RT @UtopYAcon: @LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas thanks for the shout outs on #indiechat hope to see the fans and authors in July -9:29 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli I agree,always have more than one pair of eyes to edit your work. Sometimes it's too hard to see the mistakes on your own writing #indiechat -9:29 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Have you found the free short story helps with sales? #indiechat -9:30 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas In a way, it has. I work full time as a wedding planner, so now I'm writing, planning and helping other authors. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:30 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Wow! Three months to write, edit and publish? #indiechat That's incredible. -9:30 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @UtopYAcon Why did I not know about this sooner? Awesomeness. #indiechat -9:30 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas *waves* @patricialynne07 Nice to meet you! Welcome. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:31 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Raine_Thomas A wedding planner sounds way more exciting than a claim rep #indiechat How do you separate the two fields? -9:31 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes! Between wedding planning, writing and being a wife and mom, sleep is a fond memory. LOL @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:31 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @MaganVernon I agree, copy editors are worth it #indiechat -9:32 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas When do you write? Early morning, late at night, whenever you get a chance? lol #indiechat -9:32 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas It's tough! I probably put in about 70 hours a week between the two careers. But I can't part with either. :) @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:32 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper Wait. What is it? RT @MaganVernon @UtopYAcon Why did I not know about this sooner? Awesomeness. #indiechat -9:33 PM May 29th, 2012

beingbold One of my favorite authors @Raine_Thomas is participating in #indiechat ....check it out!! :) -9:33 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 How do you pick cover models for your books? #mydream #indiechat -9:33 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Karen_Hooper @utopyacon Convention for Sci fi and fantasy YA women authors #indiechat -9:33 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling And I have family in Nashville. Hmm. #indiechat -9:33 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Promoting DEFY's release did help with sales of my first trilogy, especially because it's a follow-up trilogy. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:34 PM May 29th, 2012

LynAlmodovar RT @beingbold: One of my favorite authors @Raine_Thomas is participating in #indiechat ....check it out!! :) -9:34 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas That's wonderful and one thing I love about indie publishing. It's never too late. #indiechat -9:34 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas I can only imagine, I know just planning my own wedding is taking up a lot of time. #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Did you have any one marketing strategy that seemed to work the best? #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli RT @laurapauling: @Raine_Thomas That's wonderful and one thing I love about indie publishing. It's never too late. #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas I'm writing a follow-up trilogy right now - good to know the first helped boost the second. #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Great question! No questions that I hate to answer, but I get asked A LOT what inspires me, so I sound rehearsed. lol @KCircelli #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I didn't use a cover model, but I know a lot of people use stock art or some models work with cover designers. @Froze8 #indiechat -9:35 PM May 29th, 2012

SPNHeather @Addison_Moore sweeeeet #indiechat -9:36 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling I run into covers that use the same stock art but it doesn't bother me. I think we notice more than readers do. #indiechat -9:36 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @MaganVernon What about for your book SPLICE? :D... #dreams #indiechat -9:36 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling And it's neat to see how they use the stock art differently. #indiechat Of course, live photoshoots would be great too... -9:36 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas My promotion for DEFY included a blog tour through YA Bound (love!) , a couple of newsletters & a social media blitz. @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:37 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @laurapauling I agree. We're trained to notice that. The readers aren't. #indiechat -9:37 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas I worked as a freelance editor once upon a time, so I do most of my own editing. But I use multiple betas. @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:37 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @KatGirl_Studio Especially we look through stock photos a lot. #indiechat -9:38 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @KatGirl_Studio Working with photo shop now I just notice effects - like oo there's a nice radial gradient blur. #indiechat -9:38 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @Raine_Thomas Wow! Hats off to you! That's impressive! @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:38 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas Good to know. I haven't done a blog tour w/ YA Bound. Glad you had a good experience! #indiechat -9:38 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas What did you do for the social media blitz? #indiechat -9:38 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Froze8 For SPLICED I have someone doing an original drawing. It would take way too much special effects to use real models #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Thanks! One other bit of advice is to seek vendors who are building their businesses if you're on a budget. @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell so sorry I'm late. just woke up. :/ #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @laurapauling I don't use PS for my artwork but I do tend to notice things like that too. #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @JessieHarrell I didn't even know if I'd make it due to the thunderstorm! #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @JessieHarrell Hey lady! #indiechat -9:39 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Thanks, Addison! We could all take a few tips from you, eh? ;) @Addison_Moore @laurapauling #indiechat -9:40 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @laurapauling I saw the same couple I have on DoS Omnibus on anothe book the day after I published it. Doh! #indiechat -9:40 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @laurapauling I'm all for live shoots as I enjoy modeling. Can you imagine being on a cover?? #indiechat -9:40 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Froze8 No I couldn't! Kinda cool though. #indiechat -9:40 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @laurapauling I agree #indiechat -9:40 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @MaganVernon my interest is peaked. What is on the cover? #indiechat -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas How many releases do you do a year? #indiechat is 1 enough or 3 too much? Or is more a constant boost in promo 4 you -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Awesome! Thanks for making me feel brilliant. lol @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Froze8 ...of a horror novel. lol #indiechat -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I had a budget and then it went out the window for #TeamAlien gear #indiechat -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @laurapauling Yeah I think it'd be amazing :) #indiechat -9:41 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Funny enough, THE PROPHECY only JUST went free on Amazon this week. I couldn't get it free for the longest time! @laurapauling #indiechat -9:42 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas ah that's the opposite of me. I'm a cover designer so I don't need to hire someone else for that part. #indiechat -9:42 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas It does seem to take at least a month for books to go free on Amazon. #indiechat -9:42 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @KatGirl_Studio The cover is a boy and a girl running away from a spliced girl with bull horns. Falling lockers, etc. #indiechat -9:42 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper I put a good friend on the cover of Grasping at Eternity. It makes me love the book that much more. #indiechat -9:42 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes! :) Of course, SHIFT is taking a bit longer due to all of the DEFY promotion. Took about 4 months to write. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:43 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @laurapauling really? I was hoping it wouldn't take that long for Amazon to make a book free via price matching. #indiechat -9:43 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @JessieHarrell I guess it depends. It could be sooner. Maybe how often people report a lower price? #indiechat -9:43 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @MaganVernon hmm. I can see where illustrating that would be the better bet. #indiechat -9:43 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas There was a definite free blitz this week. Lots of shorts, especially. I think it's great. Gotta love free! #indiechat -9:44 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper @MaganVernon Can't wait to see your SPLICED cover. :) #indiechat @KatGirl_Studio -9:44 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @MaganVernon I put my budget on a CC for writing then ground myself until it's paid off.May not be the best solution but it works #indiechat -9:44 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Wedding planning has its moments. lol I think writing is a nice break from the stress of making dreams come true. @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:44 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @Raine_Thomas I find this doubtful. ;) @laurapauling #indiechat -9:44 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @Karen_Hooper That cover turned out beautiful too! #indiechat -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Will you ever write about a wedding planner with a fantasy twist? #indiechat -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli My husband and I are on the cover of an indie writer's book. It's out of print now while she makes some changes though #indiechat -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @Stacey_WB free to going. and I get all my kids stories for free after Pixel of Ink tells me about them. love it! #indiechat -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Karen_Hooper @katgirl_studio I can't wait either. The book excites me mucho #indiechat -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @Karen_Hooper That's so sweet! #indiechat Plus I have major cover luv. -9:45 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes to all of the above! :) I often write from 8:00a to 9:00a, from 5:00p to 6:00p, and from 8:00p until I'm comatose. @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:46 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @Raine_Thomas I use my day job as a chance to get ideas and I write at least 1K on my lunch hour #indiechat -9:46 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston We build book marketing plan with budgeted / free promo - saves lots of $$ RT @patricialynne07: @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:46 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yay!! Hiya, Ana! @beingbold #indiechat -9:46 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @stacey_wb -- that was supposed to say "free is good" -- apparently my tying fingers iz broke #indiechat -9:46 PM May 29th, 2012

Paperbook_Blog I think all indie authors should come to toronto for a convention :) then i can meet everyone! #indiechat lol -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @KatGirl_Studio Do you use stock photo? #indiechat -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas True! I tell writers all the time to just write a little something every day. Before you know it, you have a story! @laurapauling #indiechat -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @LM_Preston Awesome. I'm helpless when it comes to marketing. ^^;; #indiechat -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper @Addison_Moore @patricialynne07 Thanks so much for the cover luv! :) #indiechat -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston We can have a skype convention :-D RT @Paperbook_Blog: Come to toronto for a convention :) then i can meet everyone! #indiechat lol -9:47 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas Oh, we're on the same schedule then. :) #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Oh, that's exciting! When are you getting married? And what do you write? @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Froze8 Normally, no. Creating enhanced-photo covers is new for me, I've only created 2 so far. #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston 2 books helped me. Frugal Book Marketing and 1001 Ways to market your book. RT @patricialynne07: Awesome. marketing. ^^;; #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

Karen_Hooper @Paperbook_Blog That would be awesome! #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @Raine_Thomas that is great advice! I need to get back to using my lunch hour to write. #indiechat -9:48 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @JessieHarrell I got you! :) #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston My best write time too! RT @JessieHarrell: @Raine_Thomas Great advice! I need to get back to using my lunch hour to write. #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes! When Pixel of Ink was still accepting ad submissions, BECOMING made it to #15 on Amazon's bestseller list. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell RT @LM_Preston: 2 books helped me. Frugal Book Marketing and 1001 Ways to market your book. #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Froze8 One for DAEMONS IN THE MIST and one for @LM_Preston 's THE PACK- RETRIBUTION cover. #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Raine_Thomas Awesome! #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston I got in too late RT @Raine_Thomas: When Pixel of Ink helped BECOMING made it to #15 on Amazon's bestseller list. @laurapauling #indiechat -9:49 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @KatGirl_Studio Your portfolio is amazing #indiechat -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Good for you, Stacey! Follow-up trilogies have their upsides and downsides. Readers get so attached to characters. :) @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @Raine_Thomas that's awesome - congrats! #indiechat -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston She can do anything. My personal artist :-D RT @KCircelli: @KatGirl_Studio Your portfolio is amazing #indiechat -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

BethanyLopez2 RT @beingbold: One of my favorite authors @Raine_Thomas is participating in #indiechat ....check it out!! :) -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @patricialynne07 I have a separate account for writing. No credit card. #indiechat -9:50 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @KatGirl_Studio those are both AMAZING covers too, btw! #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas Oct 28th and I write YA. Usually urban fantasy/ action romance. #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @KCircelli Oh thank you =^.^= #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston My book marketing plan helps me w/ budget RT @MaganVernon: @patricialynne07 Separate account for writing. No credit card. #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

BethanyLopez2 RT @laurapauling: Here's a link to Raine's Amazon Author page and all her books! #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

KCircelli @Raine_Thomas Any series books you've read where the author didn't do the characers justice? Jean Auel comes to mind for me #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas LOL! Thanks for the shot in the arm. Half the time, I question my own sanity! @Addison_Moore @MaganVernon #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas Do you do newsletters? #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @MaganVernon I'm pretty good about using my credit card. I can easily ground myself and resist using it until it's paid off. #indiechat -9:51 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas I've set it 18 years in the future - the kids are now the adults. We'll see how many readers that annoys. Ha! #indiechat -9:52 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas It went very well. :) Research blog tour sites before you commit. Some are better than others! @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:52 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling @Stacey_WB Readers will get attached to the new characters! #indiechat -9:52 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @Raine_Thomas Yes, I've done a couple that didn't work out so well. #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

IndelibleWriter RT @JessieHarrell: RT @LM_Preston: 2 books helped me. Frugal Book Marketing and 1001 Ways to market your book. #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

BethanyLopez2 RT @Raine_Thomas: @AuthorTiffany Yes! *double fist bumps* So many awesome folks going to UTopYA! @UtopYAcon #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas For my social media blitz, I posted DEFY teasers, blurbs, the trailer, etc. on FB, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest... @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Ohhh are we talking about our books now? I am the author of How to date an Alien and How to break up with an alien. #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

IndelibleWriter RT @Raine_Thomas: I tell writers all the time to just write a little something every day. Before you know it, you have a story! #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @Raine_Thomas Very true. I used 1, wasn't bad, but had someone who signed up for each tour & either posted late or not at all. #indiechat -9:53 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @JessieHarrell @LM_Preston @KCircelli Thanks you guys =^.^= #indiechat -9:54 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas ...and Google+, and got my friends and fans to help spread the word. It was very helpful! @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:54 PM May 29th, 2012

IndelibleWriter RT @Raine_Thomas: Biggest lessons on my publishing path: 1 Build your social media platform, 2 Always edit, 3 Hire a cover artist #indiechat -9:54 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB @laurapauling That's what I'm hoping. I'll satisfy their curiosity about what happened to the others and then swoop in with new! #indiechat -9:54 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon @LM_Preston @patricialynne07 Someday I'll commit to the credit card. Debit works fine for now. #indiechat -9:54 PM May 29th, 2012

AuthorTiffany @Raine_Thomas @laurapauling I love love love Sharon Rosen at @pixelofink Her site is amazing <3 #indiechat -9:55 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas Thanks, I'm in the middle of prepping for my own blog tour on the 9th #indiechat -9:55 PM May 29th, 2012

BethanyLopez2 @Raine_Thomas #indiechat Hey busy lady! How much longer do we have to wait for the release of #Shift??? -9:55 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon I think I'll know I made it when some else uses my cover as their twitpic #indiechat -9:55 PM May 29th, 2012

patricialynne07 @MaganVernon I use debit when I can, but some things take too big chunk out of the checking account. @LM_Preston #indiechat -9:55 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas I have a feeling most working authors are on this schedule. LOL @Stacey_WB #indiechat -9:56 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Raine_Thomas ya G+ seems to be a good place for me too. I'm having my blog tour wrap party on it. #indiechat -9:56 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell too true! ;) RT @MaganVernon: I think Ill know I made it when some else uses my cover as their twitpic #indiechat -9:56 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Oh, yes! The lunch hour is when I typically fit in reading, but it's great writing time, too. :) @JessieHarrell #indiechat -9:56 PM May 29th, 2012

Safireblade RT @MaganVernon: I think I'll know I made it when some else uses my cover as their twitpic #indiechat -9:57 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Any last questions for @Raine_Thomas ? #indiechat -9:57 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes...I tried to do another ad, but they closed it up for submissions. #HugeBummer @LM_Preston @laurapauling #indiechat -9:57 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Thanks, Jessie! It was quite a moment. :) @JessieHarrell #indiechat -9:58 PM May 29th, 2012

KatGirl_Studio @Froze8 My dream is to be a voice of an animated character =^.^= #indiechat -9:58 PM May 29th, 2012

srjohannes hey guys - sorry I wasnt able to join - my daughters been deadly sick with flu and we both fell asleep - i just work up! #indiechat -9:58 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @KatGirl_Studio Cool :) #indiechat -9:58 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas That's a lovely time of year for a wedding! I'll have to check out your work...sounds right up my alley. @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat -9:58 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell thanks so much to @raine_thomas for being on #indiechat tonight! SO SORRY I was horribly late. #indiechat -9:59 PM May 29th, 2012

Froze8 @srjohannes It's okay Shelli :) #indiechat -9:59 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Hmm...that's a good question! None spring immediately to mind for me, though. @KCircelli #indiechat -9:59 PM May 29th, 2012

JessieHarrell @srjohannes oh, sorry to hear it Shelli. hope she feels better soon! #indiechat -9:59 PM May 29th, 2012

laurapauling Okay, I'm off to work on the transcripts. They turn out differently each week! I'll get them right eventually. #indiechat -9:59 PM May 29th, 2012

LM_Preston @Raine_Thomas It's nice to meet you and I can't wait to read your books. #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

MaganVernon Thanks everyone for coming to #indiechat I'm going to bed :) -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

LornaSuzuki Pssst! What is tonight's topic of discussion? #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas Yes, I do! I use MailChimp. People sign up on my website for book notifications, and they get a monthly newsletter. @LM_Preston #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

Stacey_WB Great chat tonight! See y'all next week. ;) #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

Addison_Moore @srjohannes Yikes! I hope she feels better! #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

Raine_Thomas That's exactly what I did! LOL @Stacey_WB #indiechat -10:00 PM May 29th, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day for Remembering

In the United States, we observe Memorial Day to honor those service members who have died in active duty for U.S. national defense.  Although it is also a day to thank those who serve and have served, Veterans Day is the holiday set aside for the living. Today's post then, is dedicated to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Almost 850,000 (more depending on how you count) American service people have died in U.S. combat (1775-present).  Of those deaths, over 200,000 are attributed to the Civil War and almost 300,000 World War II.  Generations have passed since those wars, but you would be hard pressed to find an American that hasn't been personally touched by the tragedy of war.

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting the National Mall in Washington DC. The memorials are as beautiful as they are moving.  As I toured them, however, their differences struck me in a way I wasn't expecting.

 The World War II memorial, oddly the newest, is an oval shape with 56 pillars representing the US states and territories at the time of the war. Gold stars represent casualties. Flowing fountains, grass, and flowers give it a peaceful vibe. It feels historical, a remembrance of something that happened a long, long, time ago.

The Vietnam memorial, in contrast, is focused on the individual. The name of each person who died is carved into shiny marble and you read them through your own reflection.  The experience for me was less historical than personal and it was difficult to stay in that space without thinking about the ruined lives, the personal sacrifices.

In The Soulkeepers, the character of Jacob is profoundly influenced by his father's death in Afghanistan. The loss effects the way he sees himself and the world. It tampers with his ability to trust others and recognize the good around him. They say that art imitates life and perhaps this is why war often rears its ugly head in young adult fiction.

Today, just for a day, let's remember the history, but also the real people behind the stories. Each one was someone's child once, and maybe a brother, sister, parent or spouse.  And that is something no memorial or memorial day can ever replace.


G.P. Ching is the author of The Soulkeepers Series and a variety of short fiction. She specializes in cross-genre paranormal stories, loves old cemeteries, and enjoys a good ghost tour.  She lives in central Illinois with her husband, two children, and one very demanding guinea pig

Follow G.P.:

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Indelibles Summer Beach Bash WINNER

Thanks to everyone who entered the Indelibles Beach Bash Giveaway!
And the WINNER is ...

Heidi from The Readiacs

You have won your choice of a 
Kindle Touch ...or... Nook Simple Touch

Plus, an ecopy of these fabulous new releases:

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(Didn't win, but want one of the above new releases anyway? Click on the covers to buy now!)

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bash!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Indelibles Summer Beach Bash

The Indelibles have a rush of summer-time
releases for your beach-time reading pleasure! 
And we're giving away a Nook or Kindle loaded with new releases
 so you can tote every last one to the beach! 

Winner's Choice!
Plus, an ecopy of these fabulous new releases:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
(Can't wait to win? Click on the covers to buy now!)

  1. You must visit all of the participating Indelibles blogs (BELOW) to collect the words for the winning phrase
  2. Then return to the Indelibles blog to enter the winning phrase (mandatory)  in the Rafflecopter form below. 
  3. For extra points, you can subscribe to our newsletter (which will inform you of future Indelibles releases) or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
  4. Contest ends midnight EDT on Thursday 5/24

Here are your blog hop stops...
  1. Unfavorable and Day of Sacrifice Omnibus (5/25) by Stacey Wallace Benefiel (Day of Sacrifice#6)
  2. Closed Hearts (5/23) and Mind Games (short prequel to Open Minds) by Susan Kaye Quinn
  3. Expel and Ephemeral (releases June) by Addison Moore
  4. Spider Wars by Angela Carlie (A Lords of Shifters Novel)
  5. Artemis Rising by Cheri Lasota
  6. Broken (6/7) by C.K. Bryant (#2 in The Crystor Series)
  7. Protected by Cindy Hogan
  8. Like Clockwork by Elle Strauss (companion book to the Clockwork series)
  9. Return to Eden by G.P. Ching
  10. To Ride A Púca by Heather McCorkle 
  11. Grasping at Eternity (5/25) by Karen Hooper 
  12. Darkness Rising (6/10) by Karly Kirkpatrick (Book 2 of the Into the Shadows Trilogy)
  13. A Spy Like Me by Laura Pauling
  14. Driven by Lisa Nowak
  15. How to Break Up with an Alien by Magan Vernon
  16. Suffocate by S.R. Johannes
(Open Internationally, in countries where Nook or Kindle are sold.)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Got Pain?

"Don't Slouch!

"Sit up straight!"

Sound familiar? Readers and writers alike often suffer from back and neck pain. It's no wonder, though. When working with your hands in front (on a computer, holding an eReader or book, etc.), our shoulders roll forward.

We all do it as it feels comfortable...until we start to ache. When we sit in this position for too long, as many of us do, our muscles tend to freeze in this position. In particular, our chest muscles (Pectorals) in the front.

But, wait. Why would our chest muscles be involved when it is our back that hurts?

See, when we sit in this forward slouch position with our hands out front, we are elongating our back muscles and shortening our chest muscles, thus causing strain on the back. When muscles are left in a certain position for too long, they like to stay there. So, when Mom always said that if you didn't sit up straight, you were going to turn into a hunchback, she was right.

What do we do now? It's not like we are going to stop reading, right? Duh. I guess we'll have to live with hunched backs.

No way! There are things you can do to help combat the slouch.

1. Stretch daily--especially your pectorals.
I found this awesome short video to demonstrate a pectoral stretch ---> eHow: How to Stretch Your Pectorals

2. Move often. Try not to sit in the same position for too long. Again, muscles and joints need to be moved or else they will freeze up. Keep blood flowing. Make sure you are moving every muscle and joint you have every day.

3. If your shoulders are already rounded and stretching isn't helping, try getting a massage. A licensed therapist is sure to definitely help loosen those muscles up.

And that's it! All it takes are a couple basic and easy steps to avoid upper back and neck pain while you read or write.

Read responsibly. Sit up straight. And move your body.


Special thanks to Morgan for posing as our slouch demonstrator. He rocks!

Angela Carlie writes fiction about young people. She's the author of the Lords of Shifters series, Dream Smashers, and Land of Corn Chips. She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and son. She loves reading, writing, hiking, kayaking, and traveling, and is a vegetarian. By day she sits in a cubicle, by weekend she's a Licensed Massage Practitioner, and by night, she writes.

The above is the opinion of the author only. Please seek the advice of your doctor if you have any concerns or questions.