Friday, May 11, 2012

Eh? Audible?!

Have you ever listened to a book on CD? Now there's another way to listen. is a app that makes it possible to listen to a book while driving, jogging, cleaning your house, helping your kids with their homework, baking a pie... You get the idea. You can download the app for FREE onto your iPod, iPad, iPhone, or any other smart phone. Check it out.

I've listened to several books this way while baking cupcakes, and helping (*snicker*) my kids with their homework. It's awesome. The best part is you can download a sample and see if you like the voice or voices before purchasing.

During the month of June two of my books will be downloaded onto EXILED (ya sic-fi romance) and SLEEPING ROSES (romantic thriller).  I'm very excited about it.

What's your favorite book on CD/Audible? Mine is probably THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE by C.S. Lewis.


RASHELLE WORKMAN is a world traveller who loves books, baking, and toffee-making. Also the author of the Immortal Essence Series & the Dead Roses Series. Her claim to fame (or shame, depending on how you look at it - :D): Once she made out with a rock star. 

(all pics courtesy of google)


  1. Hi-I'm popping in from Creepy Query Girl's Friday morning bloffee. Nice to meet you.

    I don't really listen to audio books often, but my brother travels a lot and this would be the perfect thing for him. I'm going to pass this info on to him. Thanks for the tip!

    PS I love CS Lewis so anything of his would be great to listen to. Screwtape letters was always my fav.

    1. Hi jaybird - Thanks for stopping by. Creepy Query Girl's blog is one of my fav's.

  2. I used to have The Hobbit on audio cassette years ago. I listened to it while driving to Scotland in a beat up Vauxhall Nova.

  3. Thanks for the tip. Will check it out. I've done No-Happy Ending massages on rock stars but never made out with one. You're way ahead of me!

  4. Great info! I didn't know there was an Audible app that you could download to your iPod. We listened to Outliers on cd on our last roadtrip and I'd forgotten how much I like listening to audio books.

  5. This is beyond awesome, I'm totally checking it out!
