Friday, October 5, 2012

The Hearts of Authors & Readers

Each of us is drawn to a book by something unique to us that sparks a flame. It is this spark that authors the world over strive to discover but it is an elusive thing as it differs from person to person. I enjoy beautiful prose that transports me into another world, engaging all of my senses to the point where I feel as though I am a character in the novel. But at the same time, I like a lot of action, adventure, and a healthy dose of romance doesn’t hurt either. What can I say, as a reader I am not easy to please. Chances are what draws you to a novel is different.

Let’s make it fun with a pole. What makes you pick up a book?

I’m curious to see the results on this one!

Should authors cater to what readers want? I’m curious as to what you the readers think on that, but that’s a pole I’ll save for another time. In my humble opinion, the answer is both yes and no. Authors want to sell books and readers want to buy them, it’s a symbiotic relationship. But for it to benefit both parties, one must be aware of the other and attract them in some way. If you’re a writer who doesn’t care about selling books then of course this doesn’t apply to you. But most of us who write~though certainly not all~would like to eventually sell our work. We authors are constantly told, write what is in your hearts and I couldn’t agree more. The very best novels come from a writer’s heart and soul. But we must also remember that what is in readers’ hearts is important as well.

~Heather McCorkle

Author of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, Born Of Fire, Channeler's Choice, To Ride A Puca, and coming in October of 2012 Rise of a Rector. A short story of Heather's is also available in the free In His Eyes eBook anthology and will be available in the Winter Wonders anthology releasing in December of 2012.


  1. How I purchase is definitely changing. To buy traditional, it's not about any of the above. For me, it's about the sample pages! I love shiny pretty covers but I don't purchase books based on them anymore b/c I've been burned too many times. And even then, I wait to see how readers react to the book.

    So if I look at my purchases in the last couple weeks: I've bought self published books that rose so fast, so high and for so long...that I'm curious. And I'm glad I bought them b/c I ended up loving the stories. The covers aren't as important to me honestly. If I see that a book has 800 reviews...I'm going to take a peek.

    1. Good one Laura! I can't believe I forgot to put that in as an option. The concept grabs me but it's the sample pages that make me decide whether or not to buy.

  2. My number one concern is a reader is character. If I don't find a character intriguing, I won't keep reading. When I read blurbs, I'm looking for character as well as an interesting plot. I want to see the people in the story go through trials and grow because of it. I want to see fulfilling relationships that are emotionally satisfying.

    1. I couldn't agree more! It all comes down to the characters in the end.

  3. Since my kindle, I have been using the download a sample feature. If I like what I've read, I buy the book!

    1. Me too! The concept and cover draw me in and the sample pages clinch the deal. I LOVE sample pages! In fact, I pretty much won't buy without them any more.

  4. I like covers but I also like strong characters.
